Selasa, 25 September 2012

We'Re Together On Sunday 16 SePteMbER 2012

Hai my Reader.. Coming in my blog again

Today wanna share MY DAYS with you hehei .. ( my lovely day ).. 
i hope all of you also have a lovely day as i have... 

WelCoMe ..

Date : 16 Sept 2012 ( Hang Out ) 
I type this blog today 25 Sept 2012Already 1 weeks ago .. 
Time's going so fast that i can't realized and can't controlled                                 

Okay.. wanna share my day on sunday morning till night ..                          
Heso heso hesoo //// Dancing Like Indian girl ..( smiling )                    
Early morning at 5.30 am, jogging with Sis Linda, Fransiska and Dina     

Location : Bukit Indah Sukajadi 
for fresh place, fresh air and for clean our eyes

Here is the picture of Bukit indah sukajadi that i searching on web ..

haha..i must take picture another time.

There have comperehensive facilities in the Bukit Indah Sukajadi

Existing facilities are club house, swimming pool, tennis court,mosque, 
church, children playground, driving range, golf and 
have nice house as you think there have a good concept.    
 If you want to know more about Bukit indah sukajadi place
you can search here for more information click

We're jogging jogging and jogging's just reason, actually we only walking walking and walking (shy)
but nevermind, whatever we have this morning , we just wanna be healthy
Have a Nice Sunday Morning with friends ( colleague ) ( besties ) ( muah.. )

After back from jogging we decide going to Beach ( this time alr taking bath )

But don't know wanna go which beach, after long discussion
finally, we decided going to Nongsa Point Marina
here is information you wanna know more about Nongsa Point Marina
If you wanna booking place for holiday
Its best decision you can choose for ..

Here is website of NPM Resort
Address : Jalan Hang Lekiu Nongsa Batam, Riau Islands Indonesia
Phone Number : +62-778 761333 ( calling them for information )
Email : ( for reservation )

Wish You Have A Nice Holiday with 

Your Family, Friends, Besties, Beloved and etc etc etc..

Before going to NPM Resort, we go to Mega Mall first, 
having coffee time in J.Co Donut and Coffee and 
waiting for 3 pm o'clock to go to NPM Resort, 
coz batam weather so hot and must wait till evening
for better time to go beach ..

Okay, already reach Mega Mall and now wanna choose drink
hurray ,,, eat drink and sit down for rest

Here's list of J.Co drink menu, 
you also can choose it as u drink when visit there
click here for the website ( design of website so cute n cool ) like it right ?
Delicious .. Good Way to enjoy drink at J.Co with Donuts and Coffee
what re u waiting again ? come on..

Okay, after choose the drink then, here is picture
Tadaaaa...Here is our drink Title : J.Co Donuts and Coffee
Hot Mochabella, Strawberry Yogurt Frappe, Oreo Frappe and  Iced Mochabella 
we order drink coffee ( free doughnut ) and yogurt ice cream 
so nice and yummy..
time to eat yogurt ice cream and coffee time.. 

Hot Mochabella and Ice Mochabella taste bitter , 
but should okay for the people like to drink coffee
 But for me, i will prefer Strawberry Yogurt Frappe ( big size in picture )
 and Oreo Frappe ( the black colour one ),
 its really really nice and yummy
you must try it next time ..
 Here is my Hot Mochabella and free donut 
Taste bitter and the size is so big ( i can't drink all ) wanna sharing with me ??

Enjoy today with my colleague , my besties, good and kind friends hoho.... 
tralllalalala, trililili..

SisCa And C Lynz try hat , Me and Diina also with smiling face ^^

Capture pict by myself ..hoho.
After this we going to beach lol for dating..wakaka..
i'm not lesbian with besties is nice o..

Me With Dina
Me with FransiScA

                     Titanic . My Heart WiLL Go On
Every night in my dream
I See you .. I FeeL You ( Oh gosh )

Every night in my dream
I See you .. I FeeL You ( Oh gosh )
3 ke jie mei .. Take Picture together in toilet.waka
Photo in Toilet of Nongsa Point Marina..
Photo with them.. Lovely Girls ..
 Hahha.. No play again lar.. so now we take pict 2gatherSmiling ..

Okay.. Its time to back and next plan is RESTROOM CAFE

Haha..wanna try and see this cafe, everyone say unique
because their cafe show us what feeling when eat in the Restroom - Toilet
Coming here for dinner with girls

Restroom Cafe location is at Nagoya Hill
In Front of La Cruise Cafe ( Really easy to find )

See This Sign / Symbol

Didn't Shoot to much pict at there, 
Maybe Next time i will come here again
and Shoot much much pict from here and show you..So waiting oo..

Thanks For Reading my Sunday Activity 
Really Appreciated And HavE A Nice Day


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