Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

A Letter Just For U My Great Mum

Today is 23 June 2012
and its on Saturday morning

This is my letter for mum..

My Dear Mom,
I don’t know where are you now mom, today is 25th days you already not beside me..
I hope mom okay n happy. Still missing you mom, never tried to forgot u. 
Very miss you my great mom, my superwomen mom.
Maybe mom stayed in here till 49th days. 
I hope too, so I can tell to myself that you’re still here, although I can’t see you mom.
But I can felt of u my mom.

Today is 31 May 2012, remember of me, you are went to heaven 7 May 2012, 
I don’t have chance to see you when you’re in ICU unit of Awal Bros hospital 
the last day you’re here,
I don’t know how to expressed my sad feeling, my sorrow feeling. 
Really make me can’t say anything, can’t think cleared, 
always see you shadow in every section of sister house. 
I’m always dreaming of u mom, but I know it’s only my dream, 
my own dream and you’re never come in my dream. 
I only tried to make all this dream and still can hug you, 
feel you’re there for me. I'm so silly right ? And only can cried everyday.
Mom, everyone in this world can forget you, but I won’t . 
My mom, my great mom, dad say I can’t call mom again, you’re already gone. 
But I never thought like that, I always think you’re here, 
accompany me, love me and always beside me../really sad.
Mom, I know you’re very suffered in this 2 years, 
from December 2010 you’re sick because of stroke and kidney, 
your one hand and one leg can’t moved as you like, 
only can wait your child and daughter-in law to moved you and lift you to pee and poo. 
I know it’s very hardest thing to you for accepted this situation. 
My mom, Maybe it’s very hard to you, but I will accompany you, 
will always beside you and loving you. 
My Mom, sometimes when the room just you and me, 
you talk to me you can’t hold this pain again, 
you hope this pain will ended fastly and you want gone heaven, 
my heart really pain mom and it's was the moment i hate it so much,
I always lie to you it’s only pain because mom always don’t want eat too much, 
yeah.mom always eat to lit bit, how can mom became strong and beat the disease. 
When the night came and I slept with u mom, I like to hug you, 
and because mom very cold every night mom will take the blanket 
and we are shared in one blanket, how blissful am I every night like that. 
My Great Mom, I know you’re already try to recovered from this disease. 
I promise to myself to take you went anywhere when you’re recovered. 
Mom, I don’t want to see your tears, have a many problem in your mind, 
u can shared to me, don’t take in your heart alone mom. 
Really and I promise I will keep this secret if mom not mind. 

My Dear mom,
My Superwomen mom, you’re always scolded me when I’m get up lately to work (^_^). 
You know, I really really miss this moment. when I stay with mom, when beside mom. 
Miss the moment mom called me, miss the moment we were talked about something and so noisy, 
missing the moment we are laughed. Although if I m already grow up and became a women, 
I also scolded by mom. Because you’re here to become my great mom, 
always know what is good for me and what is not. 
Mom always worried me, I know I always make you angry, I m feel so sorry mom.
2 day before, I m still lying my body beside mom, I m feel sleepy then after back from office,
sleep beside mom, I still can felt till now, beside my mom..(T_T), untold feel.. 
then mom want to pee, I lift up mom to the wheelchair, and then let my sis lift down mom after mom already pee. Mom, I don’t know this is my last time to lift u and hugged you. 
Mom, very hard for me to believed my days without mom.
My Dear Mom, I don’t know what can I do now. I can’t find my way, 
just thinking of you, thinking the moment we are spended together. 
Only can prayed to God that gave mom the bright way to walk and went to heaven, 
hope Mom rest in peace and happy now.

Dear my great mom, today is 1st Jun 12, I m back to sister-in law home to prayed ,
I’m feel so hurt when see your picture. It’s really you? My mom, my lovely mom. 
Still can’t accepted it. I’m so sorry mom for always in sorrow situation,
I can’t controlled myself for thus, for every Monday and Thursday , 
I also remember to take mom went to hospital for dialysis in morning,
 miss the moment of this. We call Taxi and mom always scold me, 
because I always late to call before 8 o’clock. 
Mom always asked me nothing happen if I late go office ? 
I always with relaxed say not problem mom, you’re always be the one for me,
mom is important than office de,(^_^).  
Mom, if I have last chance I still want to take mom go anywhere, 
if every day, I still want to accompany you.
Mom, I hope you can came to my dream, or I have the power to see you, 
I hope…I hope you can give me last hug .. I must accepted everything that happened and I know that. 

2morow is 49th days..mum hope u tonight can visited me.(hug)
and the last i still will say i love you my great mum..

Your Daughter

Me Suang

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